It have been almost a week i din update my blog~~~
since my exam starts on Monday i really have no energy to think of english word to blog...
Exam~~~Exam~~~ a terrible word for me...
Brand Management was on Monday and it's alredy a past tense for me...3 hours for us to answer the question tat "cost" 50%, mahalnya~~~~@.@ and actually i duno wat am i doing during that 3 hours, the thing tat i only clear that was i'm colouring those stick man that i draw, the rest, i not really know whether i answer it correctly....Oh My God~~~watever, since Mr.Zul-- our PR1 tutor told that if we do contribute and understand wat we did during the assignment in Part B, then we should have little understand about how to answer the exam question, so~~~~i hope that wat he told was accurate and wat i did was wat the examinor want~~~ PRAY FOR ME~~!!!

And that night my pig pig so good bring me to watch movie, 12:40am, Heartbreak Kid, it was quite funny but if the story more on his stupid + cute new wife i think it will be better. hmm....i gv this movie 2.5 out of 5, better than The Golden Compass i think...=.=" for my opinion TGC only get 1 out of 5...=.= because except the scene when the big big bear fighting was quite interesting i dun think there's any other part that attract me....and my pig pig almost fall asleep...=.=

Oh ya i bought 2 new t-shirt on last Saturday night, i seldom buy clothes and i was glad that i get nice t-shirt with paying a "ok" orange color t-shirt from The Curve ABC market tat cost RM19-, quite a low price for me... not really know abt the fashion market might due to i never catch on fashion trend and i only buy wat i like...:P i went into Cineleisure and saw some cute cute t-shirt with 50% tag, and i choose a white t-shirt with a lot of colorful tablet on it....also cost RM19.90, get 2 clothes with RM40, ok la i satisfied liao~~~haha~~

Since my house got a lot little cousin so i bought 2 big boxes of Big Apple Donut for them to have a try cuz i dun think their parents have such time to bring them go walk walk and know abt this tasty donut...aww~~~i spend RM30sumthing on this~~~T.T but as i buy all this for my dear lovely popo la~~~and wat feedback i get from them was my popo came to me early in the morning and ask "y u buy those donut for kids har, how much for that har??" , i was sleeping that time n mumble to her n told that it cost RM17 per box, and she get shocked "har??17ringgit per box? y so expensive??aiyo~~~" after tat i slept and duno wat happen outside there.... until the time when i wake up n looking for sumthing to eat, i saw a nice nice Big Apple Box on the table, but when i open it, IT WAS EMPTY~!!!!!!!!! oh my god~~~~~those kids really hungry i think....=.=" huh~~~~5 kids ate 24 donuts....WTH~~~=.=" swt~~~~ and i get know from mummy was my CUTE HANDSOME LITTLE BROTHER ate the most....n left me nth~~~sob sob*~~~

And Tuesday was a holiday n i promise to my pig pig to go gaigai....we went to Mid Valley and there were a lot people oh my god~~~quite jam there...and we jz hanging around n do nth lo..take picture with those nice nice christmas tree...haha.... after that we went bk to his house n watch HongKong TVB de 美女厨房, almost laugh until die...haha...i dun think it was a challenge for those lenglui to cook, but tat was a fear factor game for those guest tat invited to be their judge, because they have to eat everything that they cook during the programme!!!! walao...i saw them vomit after try the food n feel so sympathy to programme only need sacrifice so much gua~~~@.@

Huh~~~today i wake up at 6:45am and bring my Persona to Platinum Proton Showroom tat located in Mutiara Damansara to have a 5000kilometre service....i reach there at about 7:10am to get service number, i'm the 3rd person.....=.=" and i wait until 8am only hv ppl serve us at the service counter....then i left my car there n walk to McDonald to hv my breakfast...luckily i bring along a takes 1 hour to service my car....still ok la...but need to wake up early....Oh My Bed~~~~T.T

Went to see the traditional doctor with mummy jz now, the doctor said i stil low blood pressure and weak...but my face doesnt look weak..=.= but anyway, he gave me some herbal to eat, see whether i got more healthy or not la....haha~~~~

hmm...i think i should sleep earlier....will go to industrial training next month....hope everything will be fine...
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