Wohoho actually i almost forget abt the next day after my birthday party...
Actually my birthday was on 28th November so on that day i went 1U with my pig pig hoho~~

Because it seems like normal day we go gaigai every week so i almost forget abt it was actually my birthday celebration with my dear pig pig~~~Soli~~~=.="

On 28th we plan to go gaigai in 1U, and have our dinner in Shogun~~~After cuci-cuci those BBQ stuff in the morning and settle my deposit that i hv to pay for the pool side party and finally refund bk it was already around 2,3pm, we take shower and my pig have a "GREAT" idea for my birthday gaigai...=.= then wat we did was actually quite geli but he enjoy it...=.="

We wear the t-shirt that he disigned and both wear a Bilabong pants =.=" (OH MY GOD) walking around in 1U...i do felt that there were ppl looking at us but he seems enjoying wearing couple t-shirt and show them his great job haha~~~~but anyway, it was quite a nice try and i never do this b4~~~seems crazy but sweet~~LOL~~~

We watch the BEE MOVIE and it was quite ok, the bee was cute~~~ and we sot sot went to take a sticker photo for my birthday and end up with my wrong pressing button (i duno japanese words ma....T.T) and we can only design 2 photo and the rest 4 was plain color background...sob sob~~~

As our planning we should either go Shogun or TGI Fridays to have our dinner... but we already have some snack in cinema and not really hungry so we decided to change our plan and take dinner in Shih Lin Taiwanese Food in old wing...we ordered 2 mee sua and one tempura...

Even that was not those expensive and not a nice environment to have my birthday dinner but i do enjoy my food....it's tasty~~~~yum yum~~~

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Sometimes we dun hv to eat expensive food in nice restaurant or buy me any expensive diamond or branded thingy, i do enjoy everything that everyone gave me...no matter it was jz a Rm5.50 mee sua, jz a little crystal ring, or a handmade card n t-shirt, i do appreciate it...i have a great 21th birthday, with everything that u all gave me, it does meant a lot for me....

So my 21th birthday end up with a great party and a crazy gaigai....i never though that my birthday can be like this hehe~~~hmm...it might be already almost 10yrs i never have any party or great celebration for my birthday...LOL~~~

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